Here’s the short version: Wake County, county seat of Raleigh, NC, has a long standing policy of promoting diversity by balancing percentages of low-income students in area schools. Wake County originally bused children to keep schools racially

I’m from the sixties. People in my generation know from segregation. Until high school, I cannot remember ever talking to or interacting with a black person. In high school, out of a student body of about 1500, roughly 300 were black. The first time a black kid said something about his “crib,” I didn’t know what the hell he was talking about. Sitting behind a black kid in English class was culture shock. After a racial uprising in the cafeteria one day, my driver’s ed teacher said in class that the problem was that “negroes”
So, as Wake County endeavors to turn the calendar back to 1968, consider this: Do we really want to dismantle the hard fought for progress that at least minimally homogenized our previously separatist society? Do we want new scenes of white men pulling black kids off of school buses?

The Charlotte-Mecklenburg, NC school system dismantled its diversity policy way back in 1999, favoring a neighborhood school system, instead. The result? The NC Department of Education reports test scores in Charlotte-Mecklenburg have consistently been lower than diversified Wake County. Are Wake County separatists about to create an under-performing student body?
Having lived through those sixties, I have to wonder what this is really all about. The cynic in me reluctantly believes that legislation does not a harmonious society make. So, even though landmark law was enacted in the 60s, racial intolerance is still rampant. Racism, in some ways, is bigger and “badder” than it was 40 years ago. Exhibit A, of course is President Obama, whose every move is scrutinized for racial bias. Exhibit B? Arizona. Enough said there. Know this: Wake County is not an enigma in an otherwise racially balanced 21st century America. Other cities, (such as Chicago) seem to be clandestinely moving toward re-segregation. Keep an eye on this…like everything else that happens among us, it is about you.
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